Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tools 4

1. This is the link to my first Google Doc that I make! Sharing with who ever wants to read it :)

Well, it then game this one:

I also shared it with Ms. Cecilia Puche!

2. The Blogs that I subscribed to are:
Ms. Ray's blog
Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog
Free Technology for Teachers
American Presidents Blog

3. The Goggle docs and reader will allow me to create documents on the go where ever I am and I have a good idea! and will also keep me up to date with the information that I am interested in. My students will benefit by being able to use the word procesor and see that they can also use the computer to write.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tool 3 Image Generators & Mashups

It was fun to do tools 3. This will allow me to make fun presentations for my students, and will allow the students to make their own creations while having fun. They will have an additional benefit, since their creativity will develop to higher levels!

These are the pics I created and they have the websites where they were made:


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tools 2 Building Community & Comments

1. Through using the PLN Sbisd blog system, we will be able to share strategies between teachers which will allow us to have additional tools to differentiate instruction and give to the students the necessary tools for success.
It is also important for educators to know and be able to use the technology that students are already interacting with at home.

2. From the commenting advise I think it is important to allow space for others to comment in a particular topic.

3. Comments in 5 blogs:
Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog
In Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog at June 15 ~ School is Out!
3 New Ways to find Free Technologies for tgeachers.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tool 1 Blog Set-up & Registration

It was interesting to create my first blog and the Voki. This is an amazing technology.
This will allow us to learn about what other teachers do in their classrooms and learn more strategies.